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Residential Painting

Door Painting (Before)

Almost every inch of your home requires some amount of maintenance, including your front door. Painted doors are prone to chipping over time and can require touch-ups; however, occasionally you may be ready for an entirely new look. This is our work showing how the door looks before painting and after painting.

Commercial Painting

Office Painting (After)

After the completion of any project no matter how big or small is the job, we make sure to clean up all the areas where we have worked. Cleanliness and quality paint are our main focus in every project.

Residential Painting

Door Painting (After)

So, you’re ready to paint your front door. Whether it’s just a touchup with a favorite hue or an entirely new shade that will grace your entrance, be ready for an entirely new look at your house. Pick up your phone and call us for better services and designs.

Other Project

Remodeling and Painting (Before)

If our clients ask for a whole bathroom remodeling before starting to paint. No problem! we can fix it for you. Later on, we can worry about the paint. Please ask us for more details about this alternative home solution.

Commercial Painting

Office Painting (Before)

Before starting any painting, we must review the whole area that needs to be painted, so we make sure to check for holes, cracks, or even water damage in the walls to not affect the appearance of the fresh paint. Besides, we make sure to protect any company belonging.

Other Project

Remodeling and Painting (After)

Here is the result of one of our bathroom remodeling, and the color choice that one of our customers has requested. Perhaps, you can be one of our next happy clients when you choose our company.

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Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 7:00pm

On-job-site workday hours:

Monday through Saturday: 8-9:30am arrival, work until approx 5pm

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